TOEFL iBT Classroom Coaching

Practice is a proven strategy for success in TOEFL. At BetterThink ™ a well-planned schedule ensures
a wide range of independent and guided practice along with
detailed discussions with experts.

TOEFL Reading - 1

20 Ques | 35 Mins

IELTS aspirant

Every TOEFL iBT aspirant has different requirements

English Language skills and aptitudes of students vary. We at BetterThink realize this and design our programmes accordingly to help students achieve their desired result. Comprehensive content developed in-house along with a well-structured class delivered by experts ensures that students don't have to settle anything less than the best.

A Unique Individualised Classroom Programme

Ample in-depth practice of all the sections, followed by rigorous and continuous testing with detailed discussions, make sure every student achieves the best scores in their tests.

Unique Individualised Classroom
How do we achieve this?

We achieve this through our unique Teaching Methodology